We have a multi-tenant db with a lot of DDL along these lines:

journal_entry (
 id serial,
 tenant_id integer not null,
 entry_date datetime not null,
 description varchar(255),
 primary key (id),
 foreign key (tenant_id) references tenant (id)

tx (
 id serial,
 journal_entry_id integer not null,
 amount decimal(16, 4) not null,
 foreign key (journal_entry_id) references journal_entry (id)

Most operations apply to a single tenant, thus clustering on the
tenant id (plus pk?) should make sense.

Problem is that a majority of our tables don't contain a tenant id
(and even as-is I'm sure we violate the basic normal forms with too
many references to tenant scattered around..).

Is it somehow possible to cluster the tx table based on
journal_entry's tenant_id value?

Or should we just add a tenant reference to every table anyway? Could
make our authorization layer a bit simpler/safer if every row
contained the tenant id.

I'm not sure clustering our transaction/ledger table would pay off,
we'll probably have to create some kind of summary table anyway (and
those _will_ be clustered, redundant FK or not..), but this is more of
a general question; we also have several other tables with a fair
amount of data in them where a tenant FK isn't natural..

Thanks in advance,

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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