On Thu, 21 Dec 2006, Steve Atkins wrote: > >Is there any way to disallow self changing of password by ordinary > >users? Or force password strength in any other way? > > If you check > http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.2/static/client-authentication.html > you'll see a bunch of different ways to authenticate users. Most of > them are external to the database, so don't allow changing the > password from within the database.
But I need an ability to change passwords. The easiest way to do it would be to create a "security definer" function owned by a role with "create role" privilege that checks password strength and changes password, for example: create or replace function change_password(_password text) returns void language plpgsql volatile security definer as $function$ begin if ( char_length(_password)<8 or _password !~ '[A-Z]' or _password !~ '[a-z]' or _password !~ '[0-9]' ) then raise exception 'Password too weak, because ...'; end if; execute 'alter user ' || quote_ident(session_user) || ' password ' || quote_literal(_password) || ' valid until ' || quote_literal(current_timestamp+'60 days'::interval); return; end; $function$; But any user can change his password using 'alter user ... password ...'. If there was any way of preventing users without "create role" privilege from changing their own passwords this would be good enough. I'll just need to ensure encrypted connections to the database. If I had to use external authentication it'd need a lot of work - I'd need to learn, setup, document and maintain this external authentication, provide a way of changing passwords securely other than using a database, create one more single point of failure, etc... Or I'll just ignore this possibility of choosing weak password. It would not reset account validity time anyway. Also nobody would notice - application interface will use this change_password function - it's just not the right way. Regards Tometzky -- ...although Eating Honey was a very good thing to do, there was a moment just before you began to eat it which was better than when you were... Winnie the Pooh ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ? http://www.postgresql.org/docs/faq