Rodrigo Sakai wrote:
  Actually I want the server to behave in the time zone 'BRST' (this is
already configured). But the machine where the dump was done was with a time
zone that is -2 from GMT! So I need to restore this dump in my server, but
maintain the 00:00:00 at the hour part!
  Is there a way???

icondirect=> SET TimeZone = 'America/New_York';
icondirect=> SELECT now();
 2006-12-21 13:03:44.334581-05
(1 row)

icondirect=> SET TimeZone = 'Europe/London';
icondirect=> SELECT now();
 2006-12-21 18:03:52.141592+00

icondirect=> ALTER DATABASE SET TimeZone = 'America/New_York';

You can also do ALTER USER ... (both take effect when you log in).

  Richard Huxton
  Archonet Ltd

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