Are you trying to convert openoffice (myspell) format to ispell with help of my2ispell?

It seems to me, I see the problem. m2ispell doesn't convert prefixes which can not be combined with every word ('N' in myspell). So, ispell file will contain wrong line begining with PFX...

I'll fixed that.

Hannes Dorbath wrote:

Though I'm probably start going on Oleg's nerves.. :/

I'm still trying to get compound word support for my dictionaries back, while migrating from 8.1.5-gin-utf8 to 8.2.

Can someone give me additional information on that change? My affix file trigger that oldFormat condition on line 472. Where is the change in affix file format documented? What has changed? Any way to convert them?

I found some OpenOffice pages about it, but I failed to find what I'm looking for.

IIRC I had TSearch2 with my `oldFormat' files working on an older 8.2-dev-snapshot.

Thanks for any hint.

Teodor Sigaev                                   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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