
TS> Send to me dict and aff file, pls

see attached .aff file, I have not created the file from a dict
myself but taken the .aff/.med/.stop/.stop.ispell from this blog:

http://www.tauceti.net/roller/cetixx/category/Tipps ...

TS> By the way, tsearch2 is changed significantly, so, the better way to update 
is a
TS> restoring only your data&schema. Tsearch2 should be installed from contrib.

That's what I did ... I used the tsearch delivered with 8.2.0 contrib
for the install. Only the Schema and Data for my database was imported with the
restore from the old system, so that should all be setup correctly :-)

I also tested the correct tsearch2 install by removing all lines from the .aff
file and the error then vanishes and the search works, but without the
.aff I guess a key feature is missing :-)

Best regards

Attachment: german.aff
Description: Binary data

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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