I believe you are wrong. the EXECUTE is being given 11 columns, it
expects 1. I think you need to form your execute query like;
id,amount,accepted_date, company_id , date ,
patient_responsible_party_id patient_contact_responsible_party_id ,
insurer_network_responsible_party_id, type, status)
values (' || quote_ident(paymentId) || ',' || ...
Something of that fashion.
Thanks for replying. So the '%' symbol can not be used with an EXECUTE
'INSERT statement. I thought this was exactly what it was for?
No - the RAISE statement takes that format, nothing else.
However, you only need the EXECUTE for statements that you need planned
every time they are called, e.g. can have their table-name changed. You
should just be able to write:
INSERT INTO ... VALUES (paymentId, 0.0, data.create_date ...)
P.S. - you can remove much of a message when you reply, that way people
can quickly follow the new parts of a message-thread.
Richard Huxton
Archonet Ltd
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not