I'm having some trouble inserting into newly-created partitions of a partitioned table scheme.
My main question is whether the following constitutes a bug, or (more likely) a gap in my understanding of what should happen? Production problem observed on 8.1.3, this test case was on 8.2RC1. (I posted something along these lines back in April 2006, not sure I explained it particularly well at that time). reporting=> select version() ; version ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PostgreSQL 8.2rc1 on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC) 4.0.0 20050519 (Red Hat 4.0.0-8) (1 row) Real scenario involves partitioning based on a timestamp, but the simplified scenario is: ========================================= 1. basic partition table setup, e.g.: CREATE SCHEMA mytest ; SET search_path TO mytest ; -- ...base table, no inserts allowed CREATE TABLE silly ( bcid varchar(16) NOT NULL ,state char(2) NOT NULL ,some_value int NOT NULL ,created timestamp without time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ) ; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION reject_silly_inserts() RETURNS trigger AS $$ DECLARE BEGIN RAISE EXCEPTION 'inserts only allowed into silly partition tables (state was %)', NEW.state ; RETURN NEW ; END ; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql ; CREATE TRIGGER silly_insblock BEFORE INSERT ON silly FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE reject_silly_inserts() ; -- ...stored proc for doing the inserts CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION silly_insert(a_bcid varchar(16), a_state char(2), a_value int) RETURNS void AS $$ DECLARE BEGIN INSERT INTO silly(bcid,state,some_value) VALUES(a_bcid, a_state, a_value) ; END ; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql ; -- ...partition for new jersey CREATE TABLE silly_nj ( CHECK(state='nj') ) INHERITS (silly) ; CREATE RULE silly_ins_nj AS ON INSERT TO silly WHERE (state='nj') DO INSTEAD INSERT INTO silly_nj VALUES(NEW.bcid, NEW.state, NEW.some_value, NEW.created) ; ========================================= 2. A long-running process connects to Postgres and calls the stored procedure to insert values into "silly", e.g.: pg> set search_path to mytest ; pg> PREPARE silly_prep (varchar(16), char(2), int) AS SELECT silly_insert($1,$2,$3) ; pg> EXECUTE silly_prep('cccc','nj',9999) ; ========================================= 3. so far, so good. problem arises when a partition is added for another state while 2 is connected and running, for example from another Postgres connection: pg> SET search_path TO mytest ; pg> CREATE TABLE silly_va ( CHECK(state='va') ) INHERITS (silly) ; pg> CREATE RULE silly_ins_va AS ON INSERT TO silly WHERE (state='va') DO INSTEAD INSERT INTO silly_va VALUES(NEW.bcid, NEW.state, NEW.some_value, NEW.created) ; ========================================= 4. now if the already-connected process in (2) tries to insert a Virgina record it gets rejected as if the partition is not there: pg> EXECUTE silly_prep('cccc','va',999) ; ERROR: inserts only allowed into silly partition tables (state was va) ========================================= 5. I thought DEALLOCATEing and re-preparing the stmt might work, but no: -- ...still in existing connection from (2) pg> DEALLOCATE silly_prep ; pg> PREPARE silly_prep (varchar(16), char(2), int) AS SELECT silly_insert($1,$2,$3) ; pg> EXECUTE silly_prep('cccc','va',999) ; ERROR: inserts only allowed into silly partition tables (state was va) ========================================= 6. thinking it might be the prepared stmt causing the problem I tried a direct call to the stored proc, to no avail: pg> SELECT silly_insert('cccc','va',999) ; ERROR: inserts only allowed into silly partition tables (state was va) ========================================= 7. a direct insert does work, however: pg> INSERT INTO silly(bcid,state,some_value) VALUES('asdf','ny',8888) ; INSERT 0 0 8. if the process from (2) disconnects and reconnects everything works as expected (i.e. it can insert Virgina rows). ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives? http://archives.postgresql.org/