While I'm downloading your file, pls, do follow:
gdb /usr/local/pgsql/bin/postgres your_core_file
If it's needed, change path to postgres file.
In gdb, type
# bt
and send output
hubert depesz lubaczewski wrote:
i have been testing 8.2 rc1, while i got this problem.
base data:
linux, 32bit, kernel: <>; debian
postgresql version:
PostgreSQL 8.2rc1 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC) 3.3.5
(Debian 1:3.3.5-13)
problematic table is over 2gigabytes in size, and has several indices -
one of them is gin-index.
when i issue vacuum full verbose analyze it works, but then crashes with
signal 11.
always in the same situation.
i was not able to check what is the reason.
i did:
recompile with debug, set ulimit -c unlimited, and rerun the query.
it crashed.
i bundled:
1. logs
2. core file
3. config of postgresql
4. saved output of vacuum
all of this can be fetched from:
unfortunatelly i'm not c programmer, so i dont know gdb, but i hope you
will be ab le to make any sense out of it.
the bz2 file is > 20mb in size.
any help? is it hardware problem? or a missed bug in code?
if i can provide you with more information - please tell me what i
should tell you.
http://www.depesz.com/ - nowy, lepszy depesz
Teodor Sigaev E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
WWW: http://www.sigaev.ru/
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