Martijn van Oosterhout a écrit :
On Thu, Nov 23, 2006 at 11:27:06AM -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
Arnaud Lesauvage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> When trying to import a 20M rows csv file into PostgreSQL, I
> get :
> ERROR: out of memory
> État SQL :53200
> Détail :Failed on request of size 1073741823.
> Contexte : COPY tmp, line 1
Can you put together a self-contained example? The reference to "line
1" suggests that you wouldn't need the whole 20M row file, just the
first few rows ...
Maybe it's a line termination problem?
Have a nice day,
I think you are right !
Trying to see the first line with sed outputs the whole file!
All I did was export the file in UNICODE from MSSQL, convert
it with iconv -f "UCS-4-INTERNAL" -t "UTF-8" myfile.cvs.
I guess I still don't have the right encoding... :(
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