Hi everyone,

I just came across a thread in the pgsql archives from October 2000, and found 
this post particularly interesting:


...because I had already been designing something similar but on a larger 
scale, for an integrated information system with scheduling, accounting, 
internal messaging, inventory, safety management, and slew of other things.  
Initially when I read through the pgsql docs, I decided that I didn't ever want 
to deal with wraparound, and so I wouldn't use OIDs.  But as I've been 
designing and implementing prototypes of this system, I've found it less than 
elegant to have universal references, because I always need to have a table 
name involved.  Recently I clued in that OIDs could solve this, so I went 
looking through the archives and found that thread.  I'm just wondering a few 

First, how would Michael/Tom's suggestion (to have a single sequence used by 
multiple tables) work exactly, i.e., if I had a number from that sequence, how 
would I know which table it belonged to without checking *all* of the tables 
for a row with that ID number?  Josh said he would try the idea and report back 
on performance...how did this all turn out?

If there's an answer to that question, then is it conceivable to use an int8 
sequence across, say, 100 tables (which there may well be in the pool of things 
I would want to be able to arbitrarily reference by the time I'm done this 
project) as a substitute for OIDs until there are 64-bit OIDs?

Either way, are 64-bit OIDs planned within the next couple years?  I could only 
find discussion on this from 2000, and the announcement that OIDs were optional 
after a certain version.


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