Tino Wildenhain a écrit :
Arnaud Lesauvage schrieb:
Hi List !
I am looking for an easy URL decoding function.
I thought about using regexp_replace, but I cna't get it to work :
SELECT regexp_replace('foo%B5bar', '%(..)', '\x\\1' , 'g');
> 'fooxB5bar'
I wanted to replace %BE with the character \xB5 (µ, I think), but of
course I am doing this wrong...
Is there a simple way t odo this ?
I was simply using a stored function using pl/pythonu with
urllib (split and unquote). Works flawlessy :-)
Thanks for the tip Tino, but that means installing pythonu.
I'd like to avoid that, since I won't use it for anything
but this function.
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