From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of surabhi.ahuja
Sent: Fri 11/10/2006 12:03 PM
Subject: [GENERAL] how can i prove that this issue on PG 8.0.0 ERROR: index "patient_pkey" is not a btree is solved in 8.0.9
I am using Postgres 8.0.0 and we found this issue
"ERROR: index "patient_pkey" is not a btree"
I have been informed that we should shift to
Postgres 8.0.9
I discussed this with my team member and they are
asking if we can upgrade to the latest Postgres version
i.e. 8.1.5
I have some questions regarding this:
1.will this vesion solve the problem that I have
2. If we install postgres 8.1.5 instead of Postgres
8.0.0 I ll have to build my c++ application again right?
3. I am currently using
postgresql-8.0-310.jdbc3.jar, for java applications. Would I have to change this
jar as well? and if yes where can I find it?
4. the most important question is : Is there any
test case that you ran in order to confirm that the above issue will not occur
with PG 8.1.5. I need this test case that I can run in order to propose that we
should upgrade to 8.1.5
5. Can you please provide a link to this Bug. I
want to just see the proble, resolution, verification of this bug.