> select count(*) from new ??? - new refers to a record not a table name

In the description in the manual, new and old are described as
relations... Also, isn't the point that the query is rewritten into the
new query with rules, thus if you update more than one row, new should
be all the updated rows, not just one at a time (a rule is not a

> Try
> create rule user_insert_count as
>   on update to "user"
>   do also
>    insert into users (time,users) values (
>     new.created, (select count(*) from "user" where destroyed is null));

I tried that, but "user" only contains the old (non-updated) records,
so the record count will be off by one in either direction...


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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