
I had someone pull the plug on my database about a week ago.  When it was 
postgres would not start because of the postmaster.pid file existed already.  I 
the pid file and attempt to restart the postmaster but it again failed.  The 
error this
time was that Log could not rename the file pg_xlog\something to 
pg_xlog\something new.
 I then rebooted the machine again, the postmaster service started up, and 
seemed to be ok.

I am now having problems where everything on the database seems to be working 
fine but
then it starts going slower and slower.  Simple COPY table X FROM File 
statements that
normally take 10 seconds at the most can now take 20 minutes (1000 rows) if 
they ever

Rebooting the system seems to help for a little while but sometimes the 
service starts immediately and other times it hangs while trying to start. 

I have noticed that in the event logs that I am again seeing errors about the 
LOG: could not rename file
"pg_xlog/000000010000006900000021" to "pg_xlog/000000010000006900000030" 
continuing to try

Windows 2003 Server SP1 - Postgres 8.1.5.  Original install from 8.1 and 
upgraded using
standard windows installer through each version.

I have manually vacuumed the databases, including the postgres db, to check for 
(I normally use autovacuum), rebuilt all indexes using the force option on all 
including the postgres db.

My next attempt to "fix" the problem was to create a new database and restore 
it using
the latest backup I have or can make.

Any other suggestions??


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