But I do not understand why the IN list has to make so many recursive calls???

I know if it was possible, it'd have been done already... but can 'making it iterative' (whatever 'it' stands for) be reconsidered?

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On 11/2/06, Alvaro Herrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I notice it crashes with max_stack_depth set to 8173, but correctly
detects the error with max_stack_depth set to 8172.  The doc suggests a
safety margin of "a megabyte or so", so I think we are conforming to our
docs here.

Tom recently added a check for getrlimit(RLIMIT_STACK), but I don't know
if that considered the "megabyte or so".  *peeks the code*  Yeah,
there's a 512 kb "daylight", but there's also an absolute maximum of

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