Alvaro Herrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:
> > > I would like to use pg_dump to backup a list of tables to one file,  
> > > but it looks like
> > > the -t option only supports one file. So, pg_dump gives you the  
> > > option of backing
> > > up and entire database or one file, but nothing in between.  Am I  
> > > missing something?
> > > Is there a way to backup multiple tables (but not the whole database)?
> > 
> > You can wait for 8.2, this version supports multiple -t - options.
> > Or you can concat several table-dumps to one big dump.
> Note that the latter option does not guarantee that you get a consistent
> dump.

Yes, of course. Ref. integrity, for instance. But i don't know, how 8.2
solve this problem. Can you explain this?

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