Now, the weirdest thing is that for some db users everything works as it should, but for others the returned string is with TWO single quotes!

select 'string to be stored with '' quotemark'::text as returned_string


string to be stored with '' quotemark

I cannot replicate the same behavior from SQL Editor, or psql commandline. It only happens inside my proc (which is rather monstrous).

1. Have you done ALTER ROLE ... SET ... on any users?
2. Are the locales/encodings different for the users?
3. Can you isolate the problem part of the procedure?

I'm guessing you'll have to do #3 since you can't reproduce it with psql. If I were you, I'd suspect the proc rather than the DB in this case.

1. No
2. No. In fact I can replicate the problem on the same computer using PgAdmin (connecting as two different users) 3. I can isolate the part but it does not help much. I'm even doing RAISE NOTICE and printing out the actual SQL statement that is being executed... and it's IDENTICAL for both users yet returns different values. Executing exactly the same SQL statement from commandline produces identical results for both users.
4. I'm totally baffled... :-/

Here is excerpt from my proc that does the 'magic':

elseif operation='QUERY' then

/* Return list of all columns in table for single row with prim key matching primarykeyvalue[] */

/* retrieve specified columns in our table */
/* iterate over array elements */

for i in array_lower(conf_field_list,1) .. array_upper(conf_field_list,1) loop

  sFieldNameOrig := conf_field_list[i];
sFieldAttr := conf_field_attr[i]; /* coalesce(replace(substring(sFieldName from ':+(.*)?'),':',''),''); */ /* loop thru columns and execute SELECT for each one of them. Place results in variable retval */ sFieldName := conf_field_list_vc[i]; /* fully qualified fieldname, suitable for varchar casting */

/*   raise notice '%',conf_sListSource[i]; */
    exception when array_subscript_error then

  /* in sListSource replace $USER_ID$ macro with our user's ID */

/* raise notice 'fieldname % fieldtype % fieldattr %',sFieldName,iFieldType,sFieldAttr; */

sSQL := $$select '$$ || sFieldNameOrig || $$'::varchar as field_name, $$ || coalesce(conf_field_capt[i],'')::text || $$::text as field_caption, $$ ||
   $$''::varchar as field_index, $$ ||
   sFieldName::varchar || $$ as field_value, $$ ||
$$'$$ || sListSource::text || $$'::text as field_listsource, '$$ || coalesce(conf_field_type[i],'') || $$'::int as field_type, $$ ||
   $$'$$ || sFieldAttr || $$'::text as field_attr $$ ||
   $$ from "$$ || conf_table_name || $$" $$ || sWhere;

  raise notice 'executing %',sSQL;
execute sSQL INTO retval;

  /* catch empty rowset */
  get diagnostics rowcount=ROW_COUNT;
  if ( rowcount = 0 ) then
  end if;

  return next retval;

end loop;


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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