For example, redefine by follow way:
typedef struct
uint32 pos;
} WordEntry;
/* <= 1Gb */
#define MAXSTRLEN ( 1<<30 )
#define MAXSTRPOS ( 1<<30 )
Teodor Sigaev wrote:
I am running into this limitation ALOT with Tsearch2. What are my
options to get around it. Do I have to compile PostgreSQL with a
different block size?
If yes, what are the downsides to doing so (outside of not being able to
do straight upgrades)?
If you really need that, your should play around WordEntry definition
(tsvector.h). Sorry, right now I haven't possibility to look closer,
just tomorrow.
Limit for word is equal 2KB - I supposed that is long enough to store
any meaningful words.
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Teodor Sigaev E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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