
ho can I select some one restult for type, excluding the rest?
I have something like, as result of a join:

|   ID   |   score    |          description           |
MG01      56           "textual description1..."
MG02      47           "another text ..."
MG02      55           "textual description, text...."        <----
note this
MG02      55           "textual description, text...."        <----
note this
MG01      35           "this is a different text...."
MG02      61           "random chars..."

I know that is possible selecting by grouping if I use an aggregate
> select ID,max(score) by table group by ID
but I want the description too, only one description, and I have a very
large dataset, I cannot cycle with more subselections, this require too
much time; also I want to exclude duplicates: only one ID.

What can I do?

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