Thanks for the info. I think that we'll move to 8.1.5 first, and then 8.2 when it's stable. We have to keep our test and production systems in sync (version-wise).


Merlin Moncure wrote:
I've been developing against 8.2 for months without a single 8.2
specific problem. I run both linux and windows in high load
environments (not so much windows these days tho).  I'm going to go
against the grain here and say go for it: yes, it is faster.  It's up
to you to determine a test period long enough to build up a trust

possible downsides:
* catalog changes during beta period. (dump/reload to update to 8.2
proper, etc).
* last minute feature change.  note recent small change in insert
returning as an example.
* risk of undiscovered bug

ideally, i'd develop/test vs. 8.2 beta, and switch production system
at 8.2 release.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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