Hash: SHA1

On 10/18/06 23:52, Rick Gigger wrote:
> Rick Gigger wrote:
>> Ron Johnson wrote:
>>> Hash: SHA1
>>> On 10/18/06 19:57, Rick Gigger wrote:
>>>> To make a long story short lets just say that I had a bit of a hardware
>>>> failure recently.
>>>> If I got an error like this when trying to dump a db from the mangled
>>>> data directory is it safe to say it's totally hosed or is there some
>>>> chance of recovery?
>>>> pg_dump: ERROR:  could not open relation 1663/18392/18400: No such file
>>>> or directory
>>>> pg_dump: SQL command to dump the contents of table "file" failed:
>>>> PQendcopy() failed.
>>>> pg_dump: Error message from server: ERROR:  could not open relation
>>>> 1663/18392/18400: No such file or directory
>>>> pg_dump: The command was: COPY public.file (vfs_id, vfs_type, vfs_path,
>>>> vfs_name, vfs_modified, vfs_owner, vfs_data) TO stdout;
>>> What happens when you fsck the relevant partitions?
>> Errors about a bunch of duplicate inodes, missing inodes, etc.  Should
>> I do it again and get some of the exact text for you?
> Also this is an example of the type of errors that were being logged
> before it died:
> LOG:  checkpoint record is at 26/41570488
> LOG:  redo record is at 26/41570488; undo record is at 0/0; shutdown TRUE

What does Google say about these error messages and your fs?

- --
Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA  USA

Is "common sense" really valid?
For example, it is "common sense" to white-power racists that
whites are superior to blacks, and that those with brown skins
are mud people.
However, that "common sense" is obviously wrong.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)


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