On Fri, 2006-10-13 at 09:42 -0700, Bob Pawley wrote:
> I have a trigger that produces an error "returns more than one row".
> My intent is to fill one table (library.specification) from another
> (p_id.specification). The p_id table can have multiple instances of
> the same fluid but I want the library table to have only one record of
> each fluid.
> Any insight into what is happening will be appreciated.
> Bob Pawley
>  create or replace function library_spec() returns trigger as $$
>  begin
>  Declare 
>   fluid_type varchar ;
>  Begin
>   Select fluid into fluid_type
>  From p_id.specifications
>  Where  fluid = new.fluid ;

Why not just do fluid_type := new.fluid? I don't understand what that
query is supposed to do. You can't fit multiple records into the
fluid_type variable. This might be the source of your error if there are
multiple records with the same fluid_type in p_id.specifications.

>  If fluid_type <> library.specifications.fluid Then
>  Insert Into library.specifications (fluid) values (new.fluid_type) ;
>  Elseif 
>  fluid_type = library.specifications.fluid Then 
>  Do Nothing ;

Why an elseif? I don't understand.

>  End if ;
>  return null ;
>  end ;
>  end ;
>  $$ language plpgsql ;
>  create trigger libspec after insert on p_id.processes
>  for each row execute procedure library_spec();

Hope this helps.

        Jeff Davis

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
       choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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