Pgsql 8.1.4. I want return custom type from function as row, not as values in brackets (1,2).
I have following type and function: CREATE TYPE new_item_return_type AS (item_id bigint, last_update timestamp without time zone); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION new_item( new_title int8, new_user_id int8) RETURNS new_item_return_type AS $BODY$ DECLARE ret new_item_return_type%ROWTYPE; BEGIN INSERT INTO item (user_id,title) VALUES (new_user_id,new_title) ; ret.item_id:= currval('item_id_seq'); SELECT time_last_update INTO ret.last_update FROM item WHERE id =ret.item_id; RETURN ret; END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE; Seems like in DECLARE ret new_item_return_type%ROWTYPE; %ROWTYPE is ignored. When I run SELECT public.new_item(3,2); I get : new_item_return_type --------------------------------- "(32,"2006-10-11 10:14:39")" I want to get: item_id | last_update ------------------------------------- 32 | 1234-12-12 12:12:12 Is it possible ? I am using the wrong approach? Thanks. ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings