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On 09/17/06 20:07, Tim Allen wrote:
>>> As a comment on his points though, isn't it better to use the right
>>> tool for the job rather than try to force one tool to do everything? 
>>> I've never used a hammer to put in a screw. 
>> You haven't?
>> All right-minded people know that PostgreSQL is manifestly superior
>> and that people who want to use MySQL are scurvy dogs.
> I fear you've jumped the gun, sir - Talk Like A Pirate Day isn't until
> tomorrow :-).

Practice, matey, practice.  And a wee tankard o' grog.  Or 10.

- --
Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA  USA

Is "common sense" really valid?
For example, it is "common sense" to white-power racists that
whites are superior to blacks, and that those with brown skins
are mud people.
However, that "common sense" is obviously wrong.
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