DNS issue was fixed this aft, and I'm currently working on reviving the vServer right now ... CVS itself should be working now ...

Sorry for the delay ...

On Wed, 6 Sep 2006, Andrew Sullivan wrote:


I just checked, and gborg is still dead.  In fact, the hostname is no
longer valid (there's no A record).  Do we have even an estimate for
when it will be back?  Can the estimator please publish that
somewhere in big flashing letters or something?

I can totally appreciate that this is a volunteer project, that
people have other things happen to them, and that the project cannot
always be the central issue in people's lives.  Nevertheless, the
gborg site has been down for a long time.  We have argued for ages
that there is no need to keep things in the "core distribution"
because we have these seamless additional modular components that
snap together to form a system.  Not much of an argument when people
can't even get to the sites supporting those additional components,
because -- oops! -- the site doesn't even exist in DNS.

On another note, these are listed as authorities for postgresql.org:

postgresql.org.         7848    IN      NS      ns-a.lerctr.org.
postgresql.org.         7848    IN      NS      ns-b.lerctr.org.

But they're not responding with answers or even authority for them.
So the general DNS is messed up too.

If I can be of any assistance whatsoever, please feel free to hit me
up.  My office phone is +1 416 673 4110, in case someone needs it.
I'm even on call this week, so you should be able to reach me more or
less any time.


Andrew Sullivan  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
This work was visionary and imaginative, and goes to show that visionary
and imaginative work need not end up well.
                --Dennis Ritchie

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Marc G. Fournier           Hub.Org Networking Services (http://www.hub.org)
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