
Mario Lopez wrote:
> Hola Alvaro,
> The process that are being reaped are postgresql child processes, more 
> precisely the process that is attending my queryes...
> Here I have another log that has the %p %i and %x in that order but I 
> see no clear difference.

I see the same as you: the process that dies is the one that was doing
the INSERT.  There's no stated reason for the failure however ... the
process just exits with code 255.  I don't remember seeing this before.
Is there anything on the kernel messages?  I doubt it's the kernel,
because we'd be seeing something about getting a signal, and I don't
think it would be this reproducible.

Maybe someone else has an idea?  The previous-to-last message below is
"server process exited with exit code 255".

What PostgreSQL version is this exactly?

Maybe this is the case where proc_exit() is called when it was already
running?  i.e. proc_exit(proc_exit_inprogress)?  Alas, no, I see that
that would return with exit code 1, not 255.

> PID:3559 CMD_TAG:idle XID:273990713 DEBUG:  00000: StartTransaction
> PID:3559 CMD_TAG:idle XID:273990713 UBICACI?N:  ShowTransactionState, 
> xact.c:3930
> PID:3559 CMD_TAG:idle XID:273990713 DEBUG:  00000: name: unnamed; blockState: 
>       DEFAULT; state: INPROGR, xid/subid/cid: 273990713/1/0, nestlvl: 1, 
> children: <>
> PID:3559 CMD_TAG:idle XID:273990713 UBICACI?N:  ShowTransactionStateRec, 
> xact.c:3955
> PID:3559 CMD_TAG:INSERT XID:273990713 DEBUG:  00000: ProcessQuery
> PID:3559 CMD_TAG:INSERT XID:273990713 UBICACI?N:  ProcessQuery, pquery.c:128
> PID:3524 CMD_TAG: XID: DEBUG:  00000: reaping dead processes
> PID:3524 CMD_TAG: XID: UBICACI?N:  reaper, postmaster.c:2021
> PID:3524 CMD_TAG: XID: DEBUG:  00000: proceso de servidor (PID 3559) termin? 
> con c?digo de salida 255
> PID:3524 CMD_TAG: XID: UBICACI?N:  LogChildExit, postmaster.c:2419

Alvaro Herrera                                http://www.CommandPrompt.com/
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.

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