Csaba Nagy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I executed what you suggest below, see the results below. Short
> conclusion: the type is there in pg_type, the relation is not there in
> pg_class. Is there anything I should look for more ?

> test03=> select oid, xmin from pg_type where typname = 'temp_report';
>    oid    |   xmin
> ----------+-----------
>  58293995 | 220215039
> (1 row)

Is this xmin quite a bit older than what you get for a freshly-created
temp table?  Can you find any entries in pg_depend that show the above
OID as either objid or refobjid?

Also, it's fairly likely (not certain) that the table associated with
this pg_type entry had OID one less, ie 58293994.  Can you find any
trace of that OID in pg_depend, or in pg_class for that matter?

                        regards, tom lane

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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