On Aug 30, 2006, at 2:49 PM, Dennis Reaves wrote:
Hello all!
I'm trying to install postgresql and I'm getting the following error;
error: failed dependencies:
libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.3) is needed by postgresql-8.1.4-3PGDG
libcrypto.so.4 is needed by postgresql-8.1.4-3PGDG
libpq.so.4 is needed by postgresql-8.1.4-3PGDG
libssl.so.4 is needed by postgresql-8.1.4-3PGDG
Any suggestion on trying to resolve this? I can't seem to find
anything that helps.
Redhat 7.2 is about five years old, which is very old by
the standards of Linux distributions.
I've no doubt that current Postgresql versions will compile from
source and run on 7.2, but you're fairly unlikely to find RPMs
for current versions of PG that support such a geriatric linux
release. You could try installing the various dependent RPMs
you list, but I suspect you'll end up chasing dependencies for
quite a while.
So you most likely need to do one of 1) update your box to
a more recent distribution, 2) install postgresql from source
or 3) start grabbing RPMs to install the newer libraries that
the postgresql RPM you have needs.
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster