Scott Marlowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> test=> create table test (a numeric(12,2));
> test=> insert into test values (123123123123123.2);
> ERROR:  numeric field overflow
> DETAIL:  The absolute value is greater than or equal to 10^14 for field
> with precision 12, scale 2.

Uhm 10^14? What version of Postgres is that?!

Though I get a correct text with 8.2CVS:

postgres=> insert into test values (123123123123123.2);
ERROR:  numeric field overflow
DETAIL:  A field with precision 12, scale 2 must have an absolute value less 
than 10^10.

I guess Tom fixed some bugs when he reimplemented NUMERIC a while back. 

  Gregory Stark

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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