On Fri, Aug 25, 2006 at 09:35:21AM -0700, Bob Pawley wrote: > The library.devices table holds the static information on each > of the devices that are available to the user.
Is library.devices.device_number a unique attribute? That is, for a given device_number, is there at most one row in library.devices? Or can a given device_number have multiple rows with different attributes? If multiple rows then is device_number at least unique with respect to the type_ column? > What I want to do is transfer the device_id (serial) identification > of each of the devices entered in the device_number column into > different tables. > > By comparing the p_id device_number to the library device_number > I should be able to identify whether a device is a monitor (mon) > or end-device (end). If device_number is unique then you could get the device type without querying library.devices multiple times. For example: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION loop_association() RETURNS trigger AS $$ DECLARE device_type varchar; BEGIN SELECT type_ INTO device_type FROM library.devices WHERE device_number = NEW.device_number; IF device_type = 'end' THEN INSERT INTO p_id.association (devices_id) VALUES (NEW.devices_id); ELSIF device_type = 'mon' THEN INSERT INTO p_id.loops (monitor) VALUES (NEW.devices_id); END IF; RETURN NULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; However, this might not work as written if I understand what you say here: > The following is my attempt to compare the device_number with the > library.devices to determine the device type. This doesn't seem to > narrow the field down to a single return. If I use INSERT with SELECT > I get multiple rows of identical information or, with 'primary key' > the transaction is rejected. Are you saying that a query like the following might return more than one row? SELECT * FROM library.devices WHERE device_number = 1 AND type_ = 'end'; Or have I misunderstood what you mean by "This doesn't seem to narrow the field down to a single return"? -- Michael Fuhr ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your message can get through to the mailing list cleanly