Marc Munro wrote:
> Often, when we get short-lived network problems (like when our network
> admins break the firewall), postgres client apps will lock-up.  They do
> not recover once the network is back to normal, do not time-out, and do
> not fail with any sort of error.
> This has been happening since at least postgres 7.4.7.  We are currently
> running 8.0.3 (now upgrading to 8.0.8).
> As near as we can tell, it looks like libpq blocked inside poll inside
> libpq_gettext.
>  #0 0xffffe405 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
>  #1 0x005a31d4 in poll () from /lib/tls/
>  #2 0xf7fd71ff in libpq_gettext () from /usr/lib/
>  #3 0xf7fd7331 in pqWaitTimed () from /usr/lib/

Wow, that's strange.  Maybe it's trying to fetch something in the
message catalogs.  What are your locale settings?

Alvaro Herrera                      
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support

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