On Fri, 2006-08-25 at 10:10 +0300, Kaloyan Iliev wrote: > > > > I have a projects using ASP.NET (VB.net) where i upload a jpeg file > > using a web form and then save the jpeg file into a table. I've > > decided to use "Oid" instead of "Bytea" as i heard that "Oid" is more > > memory efficient. So can anyone point me to a website or link where i > > can see the VB.net or C# code that does the SQL insert of the jpeg > > file into the "Oid" data type column and also how to do a SQL select > > to retrieve and display the image on a web form? Thanks > > Hi, > I have problem like yours and I solve it like that: > I transform the jpeg to Base64 text and then store it into normal text > field. > It takes aproximately 25-30% more disk space but is much easier for me > to operate with it. > When I read the object from the database I decode it and I have the file > in the original format. >
Why not go a step further and do this: (1) encode the image as base64 (2) insert into mytable(image) values(decode('<base64 encoding of image>','base64')); Then, to get it back: (1) select encode(image,'base64') from mytable; (2) decode the base64 into your image That way, you can store it in a bytea field and not waste the space. Regards, Jeff Davis ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your message can get through to the mailing list cleanly