I think that PHP will be were you are at. The Java route in the WEB
world is just too much code for too little benefit. It's fine for big
apps, but frankly, for web environments it's very top-heavy. Modern
scripting languages walk all over it. And yes, I do actually love
working in Java, I am very much in the Java camp.
I wouldn't use anything other than Postgres for production level
services. MySQL is great, but very lightweight and isn't really up to
real world applications. It's a data repository rather than a proper
database. Postgres is where you need to be if only because of the
extensive security and restictions that you can implement in schemas,
views and triggers. It is also extremely robust, scales excellently and
has a huge array of back end programming options.
Try looking at these:
Your problem comes when you try to integrate with Groupware. Things
break down in the complete lifecycle part - i.e. interfacing to a proper
accounting and billing system with proper account handling, etc.
Achilleas Mantzios wrote:
i am thinking of deploying a CMS system for our corporate web server.
I have seen/installed/tested :
Jboss Portal : Seeems good and standards complying but too unstable
Apache Lenya : Very unstable - could not get it to any useful work
Php-nuke : (despite our favor towards java, this seems stable but not what
we want)
OpenCMS : Very stable but not so open source - some one has to pay to get
anything more than the basic
Practically from just browsing and using google one could conclude that there
are 10ths of
open source tools that do content management.
Also it is impractical to install even 10% of them.
Moreover web articles/reviews/comparisons rarely give anything but biased
So since i think that our type of need falls in the same big family as the
working in the unix/PostgreSQL/java world i would like to ask you about your
in this field.
Since we dont consider interfering with the DB backend in our immediate future
intentions, MySQL will be just as good for us.
Ofcourse i prefer postgresql for our applications, but if lets say opencms
started supporting postgresql just a month ago, then postgresql will not be
as strong a candidate in that case.
In the same sense java is prefered over PHP, since we dont intent to interfere
with CMS code, but if some killer PHP app does the job, then it will be the
one selected.
Achilleas Mantzios.
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not