On Sat, 2006-08-12 at 08:08 -0700, RPK wrote:
> How can I migrate a PostgreSQL database to MySQL or MS Access? Are there any
> tools available?

Although migrating away from PostgreSQL is not a popular idea on this
list, it can be done.

If you're using any PostgreSQL-specific features, plan how you want
those things to work in MySQL/MSAccess. For everything else, just export
the tables from PostgreSQL using PgAdminIII (www.pgadmin.org),
phpPgAdmin, or just COPY
( http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.1/static/sql-copy.html ). Then import
them into MySQL/MSAccess. You may need to make some simple changes, like
changing the data type of a column. Also consider writing some quick
scripts using JDBC or ODBC to move data.

Consider whether that's really what you want to do. PostgreSQL can most
likely be run in your environment (it runs on windows, linux, and many
other operating systems). Also, it most likely has far more capability
to do what you want than either MSAccess or MySQL. You can connect to
PostgreSQL with ODBC or JDBC and almost all languages have a PostgreSQL
module in addition to ODBC/JDBC. It is probably worth your time to ask a
few questions on this list to determine how PostgreSQL can work better
for you.

        Jeff Davis

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
       choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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