On Mon, 2006-08-07 at 13:51, Ron Johnson wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Jeff Davis wrote:
> > On Mon, 2006-07-31 at 09:53 -0500, Ron Johnson wrote:

> > pg_dump just produces output. You could pretty easily stripe that output
> > across multiple devices just by using some scripts. Just make sure to
> > write a script that can reconstruct the data again when you need to
> > restore.
> But doesn't that mean that pg_dump must dump to disk?
> With a *big* database, that's a whole lot of extra kit (not just
> spindles) to buy.

I'm certain you can backup direct to tape, as I've done it in the past
with postgresql.  This was in the day of 4 gig 4 mm tape drives...

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