
I'm getting the following error from my python script, which tries to insert lots of data in one transaction:

libpq.OperationalError: ERROR:  failed to fetch new tuple for AFTER trigger

I have several AFTER triggers in place, which one raises this error? I'm sure I only INSERT data, no UPDATE nor DELETE, so for what reason could a trigger fail to fetch a new tuple? Can deferred constraints raise such errors? Because AFAICT no triggers should be invoked by the very SQL command which causes the error... strange enough!

Any hints on where to look for the bug?

I'm on a PostgreSQL 8.2devel snapshop from 06/06/2006 (silly date :-) using PL/Python for triggers. I'm unable to paste the schema - plus it's quite large and - as said - I have no clue what part of it raises the error.

Thanks for you help.



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