Florian G. Pflug wrote:
Gregory S. Williamson wrote:
You need to edit the postgresql.conf file and increase the
max_fsm_pages and
> max_fsm_relations parameters and then restart postgres (I think you
> have to actually stop and restart, as opposed to a reload, but I
could be
> wrong). You may end up needing to adjust the total amount of RAM
> allocated to Shared Memory to allow for as large an FSM as you'll
> need. That requires a system reboot.
Actually, it doesn't require a system reboot. On debian/ubunut, and
AFAIK on redhat too, you just need to edit /etc/sysctl.conf, and
then call sysctl -p to update the in-kernel settings.
Most modern day unix does not need to reboot...
FreeBSD (although there are a couple it still needs to reboot for IIRC)
None of these need to reboot to set those parameters.
Joshua D. Drake
greetings, Florian Pflug
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TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings