Douglas McNaught wrote:
rstp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

pg_config is telling us that we are running version 7.3.6-RH, but when
we start psql it shows that we are running 8.1.4 (which is the correct
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] bin]$ pg_config --version
  PostgreSQL 7.3.6-RH
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] bin]$ which postmaster
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] bin]$ psql imp
  Welcome to psql 8.1.4, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.

I'm guessing that for some reason the pg_config from 7.X is found
first in your PATH.  What does 'which pg_config' print?
That's it. 'which pg_config' returns /usr/bin/pg_config
I guess that I ran it too early on a Saturday morning, I must have blindly assumed that my '[EMAIL PROTECTED] bin]$ pg_config --version' command would look at the current directory first by default.

Thanks Doug!


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