On Wednesday 05 July 2006 16:46, Bjørn T Johansen wrote:
> I need to make a funtion that take one parameter and then returns a
> "record" with x number of fields, collected from x no. of tables, i.e. I
> need to run several sql statemtents to collect all the needed values from x
> no. of fields and insert it into a "record" and return the "record" at the
> end...
>From http://www.postgresql.org/docs/7.4/interactive/plpgsql-declarations.html

Example for function having return type set of record

create function testfunc(int) returns record as '
        output record;
        for output in select * from table1 where col1<$1 loop
        return next output;
        end loop;
' language plpgsql

executing through sql as:

select * from testfunc(6) as (col1 int, col2 float, col3 char(20));



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