3 weeks ago I install a PostgreSQL 8.1.3 server on Windows 2003 server standar edition.
The box is a NEC express5800 TM800 with 4 SATA/300 250 Gb 7200 rpm in RAID10 (0+1).
It works fine, faster than the old server ALTOS with SCSI-3 disks Ultra160 10000 rpm.
I upgraded to 8.1.4.
The embded RAID controler is based on an Intel chipset.
SATA seem convenient.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2006 11:28 PM
Subject: [GENERAL] SCSI disk: still the way to go?

Hi guys,

   I have to update a Linux box with PostgreSQL on it, essentially for data warehousing purposes. I had set it up about 3 years ago and at that time the best solution I had been recommended was to use SCSI disks with hardware RAID controllers.

   Is this still the way to go or things have recently changed? Any other suggestion/advice? What about SAN?



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