On Sat, 2006-05-27 at 11:51 -0700, Richard Broersma Jr wrote:
> select  count(xxx.id) as cnt, 
>         xxx.id, 
>         xxx_grp.id as grpid, 
>         xxx_grp.grp 
> from    xxx 
> right join xxx_grp 
> on      (xxx.id = xxx_grp.id) 
> group by xxx.id, grpid, xxx_grp.grp 
> order by xxx_grp.id;
>  cnt | id | grpid |  grp
> -----+----+-------+--------
>    0 |    |     0 | group0
>    1 |  1 |     1 | group1
>    2 |  2 |     2 | group2

The count() in my case may easyly reach 10k (so the group table wont end
up too light, and it have to have a margin), but that's something
concrete to start with.



---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
       choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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