Javier de la Torre wrote:
Great! Then there will be no problems.
I would use COPY but I think I can not. While moving from MySQL to
PostgreSQL I am also transforming a pair of fields, latitude,
longitude, into a geometry field, POINT, that is understood for
Potgis. I though I will not be able to use COPY when inserting data
with functions.
I definitely recommend using copy if you are inserting a large amount of
data into postgis.
we use something like the following python code to read from a csv file
and insert into pgsql.
I can't remember the rate it works at but it was much quicker than
anything else we tried.
def insertData( header, delimiter, filename, table, SRID, dbname, user,
host ):
f = open(filename, 'r')
# Open a new process to enter data (~10x faster than psycopg)
process = os.popen('psql %s %s -c "COPY %s (geom, elevation) from
stdin;" -h %s' % (dbname, user, table, host), "w")
for a in f:
unpackline = a[:-1].split(delimiter)
easting, northing, elevation = unpackline
process.write("SRID=%s;POINT(%s %s)\t%s\n" %( SRID, easting,
northing, elevation))
Hope that helps,
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