+----[ Devrim GUNDUZ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (27.Apr.2006 23:39):
| Hi,
| I just wrote a pgsql.vim file for vim users. It helps you to colorize
| the file which contains PostgreSQL SQL keywords:
|       http://www.gunduz.org/postgresql/pgsql.vim


thanks for contributing this!

| In order to use this file, first edit filetype.vim file and add 
| " PgSQL
| au BufNewFile,BufRead *.pgsql                   setf pgsql
| to the relevant part. We will need to do this until this file becomes an
| official part of vim.

This is not necessary. You can add it to your ~/.vimrc and
it will work. If you want to set this system wide you can
include the above command inthe system wide vimrc (in my
FreeBSD box this is /usr/local/share/vim/vimrc)

| Then put pgsql.vim to the syntax directory of vim
| (/usr/share/vim/vim64/syntax on my Fedora Core 5). After you rename your
| sql file as filename.pgsql, the syntax highlighting will be enabled.

Again, you can also put it in ~/.vim/syntax/ and it will

Just wanted to add that without have root access anyone
can still benefit from your work!

Thanks again!


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