My ODBC client uses single connection to Postgres 8.1.3 server in W2K
In case of TCP error it closes connection and re-opens it.

Unfortunately, in server status window I see a number of connections from 
same IP address.

In log file I have lines like

2006-04-24 01:24:41 oksana idleLOG:  could not receive data 
from client: No connection could be made because the target machine actively 
refused it.
2006-04-24 01:24:41 oksana idleLOG:  unexpected EOF on client 
2006-04-24 01:24:41 oksana idleLOG:  disconnection: session 
time: 6:19:20.54 user=oksana database=mydb  host= port=33625

This occurs in 1:24 in midnight while user has exited my application a 
number of hours ago.

How to prevent dead connections ?
My server and client  are in Windows and TCP_KEEPALIVE parameters have 
default settings.

Is it possible to force postgres to close dead connections immediately, not 
after 6 hours ?


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