On Tue, 2006-04-11 at 00:43, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi
>    Now we cannot change the field type. Because already our application
> is running and thousands of records are already entered. we are getting
> same no for clipid when 2 users are entering data at a time. so how to
> solve the problem


Note that you can also set the default for the clipid column to be the
nextval('sequencename') at the same time, then if anyone DOES insert a
row without getting the nextval() first, it'll still give them the
proper value.

Note that a "serial" type is actually just an int with a default and a

Also, you really should have a primary key or unique index with not null
attribute on the clipid column as well, just to be safe.  PK is about
the same as unique & not null, just that foreign references aren't
automatic, but I get the feeling foreign keys aren't playing a role in
your schema just now.

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