O Josh Rovero έγραψε στις Mar 29, 2006 :

> We built an operational flight tracking and weather system that uses 
> Postgresql,
> http://www.sonalysts.com/wXstation
> One data feed (FAA ASDI) uses both aircraft registration
> numbers (tail numbers)  and airline-assigned flight numbers.  Typically
> if you have the latter, you won't get the former.   This feed only has
> information for flights in the U.S. or to/from the U.S.  The data feed also
> includes flight plans, so it wouldn't be too hard
> to build up a flight number schedule over a short period of time.
> Outside the U.S. the problem is more difficult. 

Thanx, unfortunately our flights are 90% in middle east/asia.
Are you aware of any such feed in production?

> > Has anyone from the postgresql camp ever solved such a problem?
> >   


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