
I am a new user testing this open-source database and I have a few
questions.  I was able to install PostgreSQL version 8.1.3 on Linux
version 9 using the simple install script provided.  I created a simple
database and populated the database with some data.  The inserts,
select, delete, drop, etc. commands work great.  So I was testing the
back up process and ran into a few problems.  When I ran the pg_dump it
said my pg_dump version was outdated and that I need to use the option
-i.  When I did I get "pg_dump: server version: 8.1.3; pg_dump version:

1 Why are the version different?  I have no other installs of this

The dump also failed with this error:

Error message from server: ERROR: column "datpath" does not exist
The commend was: SELECT (SELECT username FROM pg_user WHERE usesysid =
datdba) as dba, pg_encoding_to_char(encoding) as encoding, datpath FROM
pg_database WHERE datname = "test"

2 There is no reference to what "datpath" is?  Can some one explain
what it is, used for, and what to set it to?


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
       choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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