
I am using postgresql 8.0.1. I have a function (Pl/PgSQL) created with serveral complex queries inside. For example,

create function f1() return void...
query 1: insert into ... from A left join B... left join C where ...

query 2: update T1 set ... from (X left join Y .. left join Z .. ) AS M where M.pkcols = T.pkcols...

query 3:
query 10: ...

If I ran explain analyze f1(), I only get the total time, but not the detail analyzed results. Is there a way I can get the detailed analyzed results for all queries in the function?

If all queries in the function are not optimized by postgresql, may I get more detail inputs about the reason please?

Thanks a lot!

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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