If you'd like to get some more detailed information, there is a Postgres-HA webinar on March 23rd that looks very interesting and should answer your questions.

Direct Link: http://www.postgresql.org/about/event.347


On 3/17/06, Guy Fraser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Thu, 2006-16-03 at 13:51 -0500, Robert Treat wrote:
> On Wednesday 15 March 2006 18:14, Alen Garia - IT wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> >   We are currently planning the deployment of our next generation
> > enterprise database and we are wondering whether or not PostgreSQL could do
> > the heavy lifting that would be required.  My post is a little bit long but
> > I hope it will provide you with information to allow someone to provide a
> > definitive answer.
> >
> The definitive answer is yes, PostgreSQL can handle this. You'll need to make
> sure you have good hardware that matches the nature of your app (oltp/olap
> and/or web/desktop). You'll probably want something that can do connection
> pooling.  You can get more help on the -performance list too, just make sure
> you provide specifics.  You might also want to look into getting commercial
> support, though choice questions to the mailing list might be enough to steer
> you on the right path.
Yes this also looks like a good type of implementation for Slony or the
Java clustering implementations. Both could provide fail over recovery
and load sharing capabilities.

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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