We received the following error on our development server this morning 
(postgresql 7.4.1, debian woody):
   org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: schema "customer" does not exist
When I login to postgres it looks as if the other schemas are okay, but the 
customer schema is gone. I have a backup from midnight last night which I can 
restore, but I want to find out the cause of the problem first.

.psql_history doesn't display anything useful, just some queries that I ran 
today and yesterday. I looked at /var/log/messages and /var/log/syslog, and 
there aren't any zipped backups in the directory, which makes me suspicious. 
The files contents are:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/log# head messages
Feb 16 10:21:43 ** Starting Arno's IPTABLES firewall v1.8.2 **
Feb 16 10:21:45 ** All firewall rules applied **
Feb 17 10:23:20 ** Starting Arno's IPTABLES firewall v1.8.2 **
Feb 17 10:23:21 ** All firewall rules applied **
Feb 19  9:59:15 ** Starting Arno's IPTABLES firewall v1.8.2 **
Feb 19  9:59:17 ** All firewall rules applied **
Feb 22  9:58:10 ** Starting Arno's IPTABLES firewall v1.8.2 **
Feb 22  9:58:13 ** All firewall rules applied **
Mar 10 06:25:52 imperial syslogd 1.4.1#10: restart.
Mar 10 06:30:13 imperial postgres[6330]: [9-1] ERROR:  schema "customer" does 
not exist
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/log# head syslog
Mar 10 06:25:52 imperial syslogd 1.4.1#10: restart.
Mar 10 06:30:13 imperial postgres[6330]: [9-1] ERROR:  schema "customer" does 
not exist
Mar 10 06:36:03 imperial postgres[9058]: [9-1] ERROR:  schema "customer" does 
not exist

Where should I look to see if data corruption was the problem? I am holding off 
restoring the customer schema for now.

Ron St.Pierre

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